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Public should use common sense when meeting up outdoors - Raab

by Delilah Leverette (2024-06-29)

People should use "common sense" if they meet people from other households in the outdoors, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has said, as the Government comes under continued pressure over "a lack of clarity" in its messaging to the public.

Boris Johnson unveiled a "conditional plan" on Sunday evening for easing restrictions in England, saying people could take unlimited exercise outdoors, travel to other places by car and should start going back to work if they cannot work from home.

Primary schools could begin to reopen on June 1 starting with reception and years 1 and 6, he said, while parts of the hospitality sector such as pavement cafes and cafes in parks could open in July.

But Scotland and Wales have rejected Number 10's new "stay alert" slogan, while unions and the Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer criticised the plan for creating confusion.

On Monday, Mr Raab appeared to add to the uncertainty by saying people should only go to work from Wednesday. He also said it was fine to meet two people from another household as long as the households kept two metres apart.

Government officials said on Sunday evening people should go back to work from Monday. They also said the new rules meant you could meet only one other person from another household outdoors.

Speaking to the BBC on Monday, Mr Raab said people could now, for example, meet different family members separately on the same day while maintaining social distancing.

He said: "If you're out in the park and you're two metres apart, we're saying now, (if you) use some common sense and you socially distance, you can meet up with other people."

Asked if someone could meet their mother in the morning and their father in the afternoon, he said: "Outside in the outdoors, staying two metres apart, yes."

When asked later if someone could meet up with both their parents in a park, Mr Raab said: "Well, you could if there's two metres apart."

However, Mr Raab said people should not play group sports such as football with other households.

"Two people from the same home could go and play tennis, because that's something where they could stay two metres apart from everyone else," he said.

"What you couldn't then do, and this is why we say you've got to stay alert, you couldn't then go into the clubhouse and mill around where you will be within two metres of other people.

"So, football would be one of those where I think would be very difficult to stay two metres apart if you're playing, you know, 슬롯사이트추천 11-a-side or even five-a-side."

Mr Raab also said people could drive as far as they wanted to if there was an outdoor area they wished to visit.

He said: "You can drive as far as you want to drive to go and walk in a park or a particular area that you%