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Father confronts 'thief' he claims stole a basket outside his home

by Nereida Broadus (2024-06-05)

A father from East Riding of Yorkshire has filmed the moment he confronted a man who allegedly stole a hanging flower basket from his house.

The man, who does not want to be named, said his floral arrangement had gone missing from outside his Cottingham home on Wednesday morning.

The father spotted what he believed to be his hanging basket in Cottingham village centre while out with his children. 

In the video the man whose basket was missing approaches a male stood next to a green bench who has six hanging baskets.

A father from Cottingham, East Riding of Yorkshire, confronted a man (pictured) who allegedly stole a hanging flower basket from his house

The father said to the male: 'Where did you get your hanging baskets from?

'That looks exactly like the one outside my house.'

The male says that he bought the baskets from a shop but a window cleaner who was supporting the father tells him that the shop is shut.

Speaking to Hull Live the father said: 'It was just before 10am, I was just going to go for a walk with my two young kids and I was going to pop to the butchers in Cottingham.





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'As we came out our front door, I just noticed the hanging basket had gone. 

'Then I walked into the village and as I approached the shops, where Sainsbury's and Boots are, I looked across the road and I noticed he was on a bench with about six hanging baskets.'

He said: 'I recognised my hanging basket straight away. He came up with a few excuses which didn't really sound right. 

'He did have a female with him as well, but I didn't realise that until after I'd stopped filming. 

'They wandered off. As they walked off, I did call the police. It's not a nice thing. It's antisocial behaviour at the end of the day.'

The male (pictured) says that he bought the baskets from a shop but a window cleaner who was supporting the father tells him that the shop is shut

Lee Wilkinson, 34, from Cottingham, also had one of his baskets go missing.

He recognised his floral arrangement in the video and reported the missing baskets to the police.

Lee said: 'We realised on Thursday morning we'd had one stolen. 

'We thought we can't do anything about it and then I was just on Face